David’s Harp – A Center for Musical Development
David’s Harp is an outgrowth of the work and development of St. Paul’s Music Conservatory in Council Bluffs, IA. In 2009, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church established a formal music conservatory in order to raise up church musicians and proclaim the Gospel through music. This manner of music education was well received by the congregation and community alike. Over time, this conservatory not only grew but has become a center of music education within the Council Bluffs community and has developed resources specifically for use in the parish-based music conservatory. Having positive reception from across the synod, the leadership of SPMC has entertained interested ministry leaders from all across the country seeking to establish similar forms of outreach in their own context. Seeing that the work of the local conservatory, resource development, and collaboration with leaders from across the country would be too much for one parish to effectively handle, the leadership of SPMC called for help and created a new organization called David’s Harp. The mission of this entity is simple: Produce music resources and produce centers of musical development around the world.
Where David’s Harp focuses their energy:
MISSIONS: Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
OUTREACH: Reaching into communities and neighborhoods that surround our churches, schools and mission sites all over the world with the message of Christ.
EDUCATION: Catechizing all ages in the faith through the rich hymns of the Lutheran Church.
YOUTH: Teaching even the youngest among us in every community as we bring them up in the faith.
MUSIC: Using the enormous power of music as the vehicle for all of this.
How they encourage our work:
David’s Harp believes that the Lutheran church is well-positioned for intentional outreach through music. Through strategic planning and collaboration in the areas of resource generation and the establishment of centers of music, David’s Harp will support the Synod’s churches, schools and missions in spreading the Gospel.
Here are a few of our students enjoying music and sharing their talents!